2022 Goals and Aspirations
December 30, 2021
Last year, I wrote a short list of things I had learned over the year. I’ve learnt a lot this year. But I think instead I would list a few things I want to achieve in 2022. By writing it here, I can keep myself honest, and write up a post this time next year to see how I did.
Improve this site
I’d love to put up some of the photos I’ve been taking and learning to edit over the past few years. Gatsby has some very cool templates that make this easy. But I’d like to see if I can make it a bit more “me”.
Take more time to learn in 2022, and write up findings
I’ve got two hours set aside to read every Thursday afternoon, but I find I more often than not don’t use it for it’s intended purpose. Instead, I finish off whatever is most pressing. I endeavour to finish more of the learnings I set out to do, and write up at least one book review on this site.
Create more useless APIs
I’ve got this grand plan of parsing and indexing all of the Australian Hansard, and creating an ngram viewer for it. I’ve written a bunch of python scripts that parse out a single XML file, but it’s quite incomplete. Also, the Aussie Hansard XML files are terrible… they have odd corner cases, and it’s hard to work out who exactly is talking. So this code needs more work. With a lovely young daughter taking up most of my free time, I don’t expect to be able to complete this next year. But I hope to be able to do some silly coding problems, and post them up.
Lets see how I go…